Top 10 Packing Tips When Moving to Vancouver as an International Student


· Vancouver

Vancouver is a prominent city in western Canada. This city is popular for various things including education for international students. Many students from Asia and other parts of the world can be witnessed in the educational institutes in Vancouver.

This year also, many overseas students have been enrolled in universities and colleges in Vancouver. And, it is for sure that this trend will continue in the coming years also.

When students get enrolled in Vancouver, they are required to do a lot of preparations. After all, they are going to a new country having a different atmosphere and they have to stay there for three or four years. The first preparation should obviously be searching for and booking student accommodation Vancouver. This can be done easily with the help of accommodation service platforms such as University Living. It is highly recommended to book accommodation at least three months before starting of the session to get a suitable place to stay at reasonable prices.

Top 10 Packing tips for international Students

The other preparation should be started when you are becoming ready to shift to Vancouver. It is packing but it is the aspect where many students may be confused.

In this post, you will read about 10 tips when moving to Vancouver as a internal Student

1) How to Pack Luggage for International Flight

You need to decide carefully about the things to pack for study abroad. They can be your course books, clothes, etc.

2) What Size Should be of Suitcase for Study Abroad

As per the experts, the total weight should not exceed 23 kg.

3) What Are the Documents You Should Carry?

Official academic transcripts, letter of recommendation, English language proficiency test scores, passport, and visa are the documents you should carry.

4) Which Airline Allows Maximum Luggage?

In India, Air India allows maximum luggage.

5) What Are Things You Should Avoid to Pack?

What not to pack for study abroad highly depends upon your requirement and the things available in your accommodation. Check assets that are available in your accommodations, which you don’t need to pack. Besides, you should not pack clothes in excess, old school books, and books other than your course material as you will find more books in Vancouver.

6) Pack Clothes according to the Weather in Vancouver

The weather in Vancouver may be different from the weather in your home country/city. So, you should check the weather of the city on the internet and pack accordingly.

7) Pack Medical Records If You Have a Medical History

If you have a medical history, then you should also pack the medical records.

8) Bring One or Two of Your Favorite Items

You should also bring one or two of your favorite items that remind you of your home.

9) Pack Toiletries

Pack shampoo, toothbrush, soap, etc. so that you don’t face difficulty in the beginning.

10) Keep Necessary Medications with You

You may need necessary medicines while traveling and adjusting to the new city. So, you should keep the necessary medications with you.

I hope this blog will helps you if you are travelling as a internaational Student. you can also read about the benefits of live in Vancouver at GEC Granville.